Until Earth is pure…

I’m not exactly sure how to begin or write this post. I am here in the hospital again, but this time under graver circumstances.

I checked into the hospital Wednesday afternoon because I had not felt Isaac move for a couple days. It wasn’t long before a Doppler, a small ultrasound and then an more in-depth ultrasound and ultrasound tech confirmed that Isaac’s heart had indeed stopped.

I cannot tell you the grief that we have already experienced–even though we knew this day might possibly come (passing in my womb). There has been sorrow, anger, love and compassion. I just so desperately wanted to hold my sweet boy alive.

I am not ready to write all my emotions, but I hope I can. Not because I feel the need to explain myself, but because I feel that it will be healthy for me.

Aaron’s mom felt prompted to drive here on Saturday, so she’s been here. My mama flew in last night. We are very blessed to have their love and support.

I am being induced, but my body is taking its time and I have yet to really go into labor.

We are grateful for your love and prayers and support. I will update again when we are ready.

We do plan on having a funeral. I am not sure when that will be.

Thank you friends, we love you!

9 thoughts on “Until Earth is pure…

  1. “Mourn with those that mourn; comfortable that stand in need of comfort . . ” Again, I love you and you all are in our prayers.


  2. I wish I could say something that would help you right now. We are praying for you and your sweet family. The Atonement covers every pain, heartbreak, and everything unfair. Someday, everything will be made right. Your sweet Isaac is so lucky to call you his Momma. Wish we could wrap our arms around you all tonight. Love you, Isom family!


  3. Im so sorry! Isaac was blessed to spend his entire life surrounded by the love and comfort of his mother! Sending you and your family love!


  4. Sara,

    I have been following your posts and wish I could ease the pain for you and Aaron. You are both so brave and loving and strong examples to us all. Hugs and support for you my friend at this difficult time. Be in touch and we’ll see each other soon!

    Love, Nicole


  5. You have been on my mind continually as of late. I am so sorry, Sara Jane.
    My heart is just breaking for you. Please reach out if you feel overwhelmed,
    Or need anything at all.
    It’s clear you have so many people who love you deeply and are here to support
    You. I love you so much, chere soeur.


  6. I’m am so sorry for your loss. Sending you lots of love and prayers for comfort and peace. I’m wish that it could give you a big hug. Love you guys.


  7. Oh, sweet Sara Jane. My heart aches for you! I am so sorry for your loss. You will have that sweet boy in heaven and your joy will be full again when you see him after this life. I love you. You are amazing! You and your fam our in our prayers.


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