Baby Blanket

So here’s the thing, I’m not that great at blogging. I can write things, but I don’t know how to do all the cool things like link other blogs or change fonts or script size. I don’t really know how to place pictures or videos.

But here’s the other thing. I want to be good at this new technological world we live in. I would love to be youtube savvy and post things to twitter and instagram. I want to use photoshop to make cool pictures and memes and make my own awesome music videos.

I just don’t know if I have the patience.

It makes me feel old and outdated.

NEWS BREAK:  In this post  I am going to attempt a few new things for me on this blog. I am going to attempt to link to another blog and I’m going to add pictures.

I know.

I had gone fabric shopping the other day to stock up on super awesome cheap fabric before leaving Korea and came home with some adorable baby boy minky* fabric. I hadn’t intended to make him a blanket, but when I saw the cute soft fabric, I couldn’t help myself. I mean it had helicopters on it. Not to mention it was priced at awesome Korean prices. I was sold.

So I decided today was the day. I went to Pinterest to find something.  There they were, hundreds of pins on how to sew an easy DIY minky blanket. I learned that minky can be apparently very hard to work with and I should use this or that and do this and beware of that. None of it made any sense. I’m a beginner sewer. I take on projects and usually learn what I need to for that particular endeavor. Then I forget it. I needed a solid, fool proof, easy tutorial on how to make my baby boy a blanket.

*If you don’t know what minky–it’s ok–I didn’t either until I looked up how to make an (easy) baby blanket on pinterest. (at least I’m on one social networking site besides Facebook).

I found that here

Not too bad of a tutorial, so here is how MY blanket turned out:

Step #1: Take right sides of material and lay them down facing each other. (so wrong sides of the material are both facing out)

Step#2: Trim fabric so it’s all the same length and width. Or you could just buy fabric that comes that way–here in Korea, they just cut it whatever. I went with roughly 30 width/45 length. IMG_0769






Step #3: Pin the fabric together. Because I only had those pins that have no head on it, I chose to go with safety pins so that I could find them easier. IMG_0770

Step#4: Pin all around the fabric–I pinned inside the middle as well, since minky is SLIPPERY.


Step #5 :Take a plate/bowl and round out the edges. Because all our stuff is packed up, we only had paper plates and bowls. I chose the one that had the best shape for how big the blanket was. IMG_0773 IMG_0774












Step #6: Now you are ready to sew. Sew 1/2 inch around the entire blanket (roughly–I’m not exactly sure what I did). ***Make sure to leave a small open slit that you DO NOT SEW so you can flip your blanket right side out. I marked mine with different facing pins–but I forgot to take a picture.








Step # 7: Cut the edges around the corners, but do not cut the seam! 


Step #8: Once your blanket is all done, go back where you DIDN’T sew and turn your blanket right sides out. 

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Step #9: Once you’ve got your blanket right sides out, fold down the area that hasn’t been sewn and pin itIMG_0784Again, I used safety pins and a lot of them! 







Step #10: Now sew a top stitch, to help create an edge around the blanket. (Audrey wanted to help).   IMG_0785


All DoneIMG_0788

I must say, I was pretty proud of how it turned out. I can’t wait to snuggle our little boy in this blanket. He’s going to love it!

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